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Friday, August 31, 2018

Command Prompt | MS DOS Lesson 4 | Internal Commands


17) Prompt:

It is used to changes the MS DOS command prompt.
TEXT     Specifies as new command prompt
Prompt Normal Form is C:\> that means Current Drive and path (C :) and Greater-than sign (>)
Prompt can be made up of normal characters and the following special codes:
  • $Q        = (Equal sign) 
  • $$         $ (Dollar sign)
  • $T         Current time
  • $D        Current date
  • $P         Current Drive and Path
  • $V         Ms Dos Version
  • $N         Current Drive
  • $G         > (Greater-than sign) 
  • $L         <  (Less-than sign)
Ex: C:\>PROMPT Ravi$G
       Ravi>PROMPT $P$G
PROMPT Command
PROMPT Command

18) Path:

It is used to displays or sets a search path for executable files.
Display Path:  Syn: PATH 
Clear Path:      Syn: PATH;
Set Path:         Syn: SET PATH="D:\"
PATH Command
PATH Command

19) Colon(:)

It is used to change the drive. Type the drive name and colon.
Syn: C:\>Drive-name:
Ex:   C:\>D:
Change Drive - Colon Command
Change Drive - Colon Command

 20) ^C (Control C):

It is used to terminate or stop the execution of the command.
Syn: C:\>dir/s      - (Disc information report for all system files) is  running execution command then Ctrl+C Press keys to terminate or stop.

Control C  Command
Control C  Command

21) DIR (Disc Information Report):

It is used to displays a list of files and sub-directories in a disc drive directory with parameters.
  • DIR/W: Display the files and directories in width wise.
  • DIR/P: Display the files and directories in Page Screen wise.
  • DIR/L: Display the files and directories in small letters (lowercase).
  • DIR/AA: Display all Achieve files and hidden files.
  • DIR/AD: Display all Achieve directories and hidden directories.
  • DIR/AH: Display all hidden files and directories
  • DIR/AR: Display all Read-only files and directories
  • DIR/O: Display the files and directories in order wise
    • N  - By Name wise
    • E  - By Extension
    • A  - By last Access date
    • - By Date and time wise
    • S   - By Size wise
    • -    - By prefix to reverse order wise
         Ex: 1)  DIR/ON      (NAME ORDER WISE)
                2) DIR/O-N     (NAME REVERSE ORDER WISE)
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