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Friday, August 31, 2018

Command Prompt | MS DOS Lesson 3 | Internal Commands


11) MD (Make a directory):

It is used to create a new directory (folder).
Syn: C:\>MD Directory-name
Ex:  C:\>MD  balu

12) CD (Change a directory):

It is used to enter into the Directory.
Syn: C:\>CD Directory-name
Ex:  C:\>CD  balu
MD & CD Commands
MD & CD Commands

13) CD.. (CD Double dot):

It is used to come out of Directory.
Syn: C:\>CD..
Ex:   C:\balu>CD..

14) CD\ (CD Backward slash):

It is used to come out of multiple directories at a time.
Syn: CD\
Ex:  C:\balu\sai\vani>CD\

15) RD (Remove Directory):

It is used to remove and Empty Directory
Syn: RD Directory-name
Ex: C:\> RD balu

16) Version:

It is used to display the Operating System version
Syn: C:\>VER
Version Command
Version Command

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