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Friday, August 31, 2018

Command Prompt | MS DOS Lesson 2 | Internal Commands


1) Date:  

This Command is used to display the system date. and it is also used to edit the system date.  Press "ENTER"  key  to Keep the same date.
Syn: C:/>Date

Internal Command Date
Picture 1: Internal Command Date
Picture 2: Internal Command Date
Picture 2: Internal Command Date

2) Time:

It is used to display the system time and we can also edit the system time. Press "ENTER" key to keep the same time.
Syn: C:/>Time

3) Dir (Disc Information Report):

It is used to display the file and directories existing files and folders in the disc.
Syn: C:/>dir
When we execute this command the information will be displayed as follows as below:-
Dir Command
Dir Command

4) CLS (Clear Screen):

It is used to clear the screen
Syn: C:/>cls

5) Copy  Con:

It is used to create a file
Syn: C:/>copy  con  file-name

6) F6 or ^Z:

To save the file
Syn: F6 or ^Z

7) Type: 

It is used to display the text of a file
Syn: C:/>Type  file-name

8) Delete:

It is used to delete or remove a file
Syn: C:/>Del  file-name
Syn: C:/>Erase  file-name

9) Copy:

It is used to copy the text of a file to another file.
Syn: C:/>Copy  Source-file-name   Destination-File-name

and Adding the text of two or more files (multiple files) using copy:

It is used to append files, specify a single file for destination, but multiple files for source using wildcards or  file1+file2 format.
Syn: C:/>Copy  file1+file2  Append-file

10) Rename: 

It is used to change the existing file name
Syn: C:/>Ren  Old-file-name  New-file-name

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